Katrin Lassen

I love painting. It's like thinking in color.

Artist. NFT Designer. Author.

For me, painting is not just a profession, but a necessity—an inner dialogue. 

Similar to a theological exploration of the world, its appearances, and the things and challenges that occupy and surround me, painting is a deeply personal way for me to ask questions and seek answers. The process of painting always takes center stage. 

My Work

Spy Animals
_Black Green Simple Minimalist Aesthetic World Book Day Mockup Instagram Post (3)
Switch Code

MY Philosophy

It’s not about merely depicting things, but about creating new realities that challenge the conventional understanding of what is real. It’s about representing things that don’t occur or aren’t visible in reality, yet feel familiar to our minds in some way. For example, I give form to invisible angels, pushing the representation into a dialogue with our own vague ideas and clichés. With Spy Animals, I combine familiar places with known animals, but their pairing is unrealistic. Two seemingly real and familiar elements come together to create an unreal overall picture.

My paintings are about color, form, the concrete and the abstract… Everything has its purpose and is equally important. A good painting is like a good conversation.

The dialogue between the existing image and the painting, which creates a new image of reality, is at the core of every artwork. It’s not the final image that takes center stage, but the devotion to the process of creation.

Live your life with more independence, happiness, and excitement!